Yearly Archives: 2017


Cross Medix – Alcohol Information

By |2019-01-30T16:53:19+00:00January 17th, 2017|Categories: Cross Medix News, Media Articles, Uncategorised|

Alcohol is one of the world's most popular drug, being used as solvents and antiseptics, while primarily being used for alcoholic beverages, it can be very dangerous and harmful to bodies if used in excessive amounts. The chemical formula for ethanol, the primary form of alcohol used in alcoholic beverages. Image Source: During [...]

Cross Medix – Controversial Legal Substances & Counterfeits

By |2019-01-30T16:53:19+00:00January 17th, 2017|Categories: Cross Medix News, Media Articles, Uncategorised|

Legalization with hidden dangers With the legalization of marijuana in many states across America, there has been a rise of synthetic cannabis (shown above), creating dangers for substance users and medicinal users alike. Image source: Spencer Platt/Getty Images According to the New York Times, K2, a form of synthetic cannabis, has caused overdoses [...]